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So this little courtyard return to calm. Soft moonlight like water sprinkled on two gauze, and lose a little bit of Jie Bai Yuehua roving the hole, covered with a thin quilts shines on Carey PRICE jersey. At this point there while the cool breeze gently blowing through gauze whisk in Pacioretty jersey face, So they dream of Enron soon. The next morning, Zhang Mu Clouds and Moon Chan After washing, just after breakfast, and then there came Taoist Without Harm. First a bit of courtesy praised Zhang Mu-yun secret repellent spirits, Harm Taoist could he please hit the road.Chun-shan, also known as Dongting Mountain, only in the Dongting Lake Lane. Go Junshan, first to the Dongting Lake. Go Dongting Lake, Zhang Mu-yun know shortcut, then led along Chan May Harm Pacioretty jersey s house along the creek downstream, about half an hour away, and then one by lightning around the stream to half of the Waibo Large willow, along another path off the east, and went over one hour, after five or six villages, this came from Zhang Mu goes home one recent lake ferry. This ferry side, there are also a Dasi stream from nowhere, playing here inflow Dongting, so called big Xikou this convenience.

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